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Woolsey Fire Update: Animal Edition

by Ryan Rosen Gallery 11.19.18

The Animals Are Back!

What an adventure the CK Animals have been on over the past ten days! We are glad they are home and safe but wanted to share about the incredible community that helped care for the animals while we were evacuated from the site.

The adventure started with us contacting Marc from the Animal Hope and Wellness Organization to assist in evacuating the animals. While I was still in Lake Tahoe at a camp conference and trying to get back to LA, a retired Fireman and his son-in-law who were looking over the property found time to snap a picture before helping load the animals into the trailer. Marc’s team was able to get the animals out to a residence in Sherman Oaks where they spent the first night together until they could be relocated to a more appropriate location the next day. North Hollywood High School has a Future Farmers of America program and they were happy and willing to take our animals in until we were able to have them back at Camp.

Yesterday, with the help of Riley and Kira from the Horse and Pony Rescue Ranch Inc. in Chatsworth, we were able to bring the animals home. The animals are thrilled to be back and enjoying their return to Camp!

Thank you for checking in on camp and the animals over the last two weeks. While we feel lucky that our animals and camp are safe, we know that many families and camps in our community were not as lucky. If we can be of any assistance to those in the community, please let us know.

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