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Give Back

Thank You for Considering a Donation to Camp Kinneret!

Harold Gordon, the previous owner of Camp Kinneret, created a campership fund to help families who could not afford to attend camp. He named it The Sam and Rochelle Hoffman Memorial Campership Fund after Camp Kinneret’s founders and hoped it would provide even more children with the opportunity to share the Camp Kinneret magic. Harold’s 30 years of dedication to camping and his love for each member of the Camp Kinneret family is inspiring. A donation to our campership fund is an incredible way to say thank you for the memorable experiences Sam, Rochelle and Harold have made possible. Each summer we offer partial and limited full scholarships to children and to families for whom camp would not be possible. Thank you for giving the gift of camp.

Tax Deductible Giving

Educating Playfully, Inc 501(c)(3): A contribution payable to Educating Playfully can be designated to the Campership Fund. All contributions are awarded to Camp Kinneret campers who have requested financial assistance and have been reviewed by Camp Kinneret. Ways to Contribute to The Sam and Rochelle Hoffman Memorial/Harold Gordon Honorary Campership Fund:

  1. Donate by Check: Simply send us a check made out to: Educating Playfully, Inc.. We will then forward your check directly to them and you will receive a charitable contribution acknowledgement from them for your tax records. (To qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction for this calendar year, make sure to mail it on or before December 31st.)

  3. Donate Online: Make a donation online by clicking here or paste into your browser window.
  4. Appreciated Long Term Capital Gain Property: Rather than selling appreciated securities that you have held for more than one year and donating the cash proceeds, consider transferring the ownership of the securities to the Campership Fund. With such a donation, your deduction is based on the fair market value of the securities at the time of the gift and you will avoid income taxes on the capital gain that you would have realized if you were to sell the asset and then donate the proceeds.

  6. Loss Property: One should never make an in-kind donation of securities that will generate a tax-deductible loss if sold. Instead, sell the securities and use the proceeds of the sale to make a cash gift. If you do, you will be able to take two deductions, one for your loss on the sale of the securities and the other for your charitable donation.

  8. Stock transfers and corporate matching are acceptable methods of contributing to the campership fund.



Non-Tax Deductible Giving

Plant A Tree: Wouldn’t it be fun for your children to visit and enjoy the shade of their family tree when they attend camp? With a modest donation, your family can help us plant more trees on the site for future generations of campers to enjoy! Call today to discuss the options for your family. General Donations: Over the years Camp Kinneret has graciously accepted gifts specified for a specific project or to help ensure the future of Camp Kinneret. Please contact us to discuss your possible donation.


Please don’t hesitate to contact us: (818) 706-8255, (805) 523-7711, or email us for more information. Are you interested in applying for a Camp Kinneret Campership for your child? Please contact us so we can discuss the program with you.