

If your camper wears earplugs when they swim, we are ready to help them.

We’ve learned from experience that it is best to treat earplugs like medication. That means that we ask you to send a pair to camp on your camper’s first day of camp and we will keep them safely stored in the first aid office which is located right next to the pool. Each day at swim time, your child’s counselor will bring them into the office to get the earplugs and then return them after their daily swim.

If your camper needs assistance with their earplugs, we ask that you come to camp during the week prior to their first day of camp to acquaint their counselor with the process by which you assist your child. We will have our first aid provider learn as well so that at least 2 people know how to provide assistance.

One of the things that we’ve learned over the years is that it is important to have one pair of earplugs dedicated to camp for the summer and another for use at home. Prior to this requirement, on more than one occasion a camper forgot to take their earplugs home with them over a weekend and did not have them when they needed them.

If you will be coming to camp to show us how to insert the earplugs, you can bring them with you and leave them at that time. If your camper does not need that assistance, you can simply send them in a clearly labeled zip lock bag with your camper on their first day of camp. Please give them to the bus counselor at your bus stop who will deliver them to the office.

If you have any questions about your child and their earplugs, please call us today and we will be happy to discuss them with you.